$49.99 49.99


Min Max Pro™ is the latest topical treatment to help improve the condition of alopecia (hair loss) and stimulate new hair growth and prevent further hair loss through a unique combination of growth factors.

These cutting edge growth factors: bFGF and caffeine are the key combination that is delivered straight to the hair follicles stimulating and kick-starting the follicles into growth mode that Minoxidil alone will not effectively accomplish.

These growth factors are supported by high strength Minoxidil (5%), which increases the blood supply to the hair follicles.

MinMax-Pro is the latest approach to help improve the condition of alopecia (hair loss). For some years, minoxidil has been at the core to improve blood supply (and therefore nutrients) to the root (bulb) of the hair; it is proven to act by significantly increasing the speed of hair growth and therefore improve the coverage of hair on the scalp.

MinMax-Pro has minoxidil in it and it has the highest strength of topical minoxidil available at 5%, plus it has cutting-edge growth factors and hair density improving agents; together they form a totally unique combination to improve new hair growth and also to prevent further hair loss.

A modern approach

For example, MinMax-Pro also contains a high strength of azelaic acid at 5%. Azelaic acid is an all-natural DHT-blocker, by helping to block this hormone within the scalp MinMax-Pro helps to reduce hair loss and to improve hair density and appearance.

DHT (di-hydro-testosterone) is a well-documented factor and higher levels are indicated as a trigger for hair loss, particularly so in men. It is why DHT is the target for hair loss drugs like Propecia® (finasteride), but here in MinMax-Pro its natural DHT blocker is situated within the topical liquid solution to be applied directly onto the balding scalp, therefore it is not taken orally, (unlike the drugs)- thus avoiding any internal biochemical issues.

An amazing combination of growth factors

Whilst most other topical agents would be delighted to just have the above agents in them, MinMax-Pro doesn’t stop there! It also contains three potent growth stimulants, including Insulin-like Growth Factor) and bFGF (Basic Fibroblast Growth Factor) and caffeine.

Nowhere else can these trace factors be found combined into a topical hair loss agent- along with long-standing and proven agents and at such strength.


To make your life easier and to give you more control, MinMax-Pro also comes with your choice of applicator. You can choose to screw in a spray cap into the bottle to cover wider areas, or alternately you can screw in a dropper and be more precise and controlled in the amount you deliver onto your scalp.


What is more, there is NO propylene glycol in MinMax-Pro and there is NO Polysorbate-80. Not only does this mean there is no stickiness and no hair color changing effects, but those folks who are concerned about these chemicals can rest assured they are not in the MinMax-Pro ingredient list.

Label Information 

Pack size:

60 ml bottle liquid


Minoxidil  5% w/v Azelaic Acid  5% w/v Caffeine  0.001% w/v

Other Ingredients:

Glycerine, EDTA Sodium, Water UGF-1, and bFGF proprietary blend


MinMax-Pro must only be used topically and not taken internally. It should be avoided by pregnant or lactating women and persons with hypotension (low blood pressure), should consult with their physician before any application takes place.


MinMax-Pro should be applied regularly, but sparingly, onto the balding areas of the scalp- with the applicator of your choice.

The best time is in the morning after a shower and with towel damp to dry hair, (use before bedtime is okay, but it may require a hair net to avoid transference onto a pillow, etc.)

Any excess should be removed with a paper towel. Always avoid the eyes; else immediately rinse them with cold water to avoid any discomfort. Also, wash your hands after application.