Itch Support Gold for Cats (1 bottle = 2oz (59ml)(Free shipping over $50 Order)

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Seasonal Allergies (ATOPY), anything that makes your pet’s skin itchy or scratchy (including food allergies)

Itch Support Gold for Cats

Assists With Skin Allergy Inflammation

A drug-free alternative to relieve itchy skin due to allergies.

What can you expect from this product?

  • Supports a healthy immune response to allergens
  • Helps the root cause and the symptoms
  • Safe for long-term use, as needed

Order Itch Support Gold today.

  • 1 bottle = 2oz (59ml) 
  • 90 Day Money Back Guarantee


What is Itch Support Gold?

Use this product for itching, scratching and itchy paws caused by a known or unknown allergy. 

Itch Support Gold is a combination of nine herbal ingredients for skin-related symptoms when felines come into contact with an allergen* (a substance that triggers an allergic reaction). For some cats, skin allergies are a constant condition, and for others it may be seasonal or occasional. Skin conditions due to allergies are an increasingly common disorder in pets and are a frequent cause for visits to the vet.

Itch Support Gold is a drug-free alternative that addresses the physiological mechanisms that cause the skin (including on the paws) to become uncomfortable, red, and sometimes unbearably itchy. This formulation works with the principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine to target the underlying imbalance and restore health from the inside out. It works without the harmful side effects commonly associated with long-term use of prescription medications.

*Itch Support Gold is not for acute or severe allergic reactions. If your cat requires immediate or emergency medical attention, please call your veterinarian or nearest veterinary clinic. 

Itch Support Gold does not address emergency allergy situations such as anaphylaxis.

What is Itch Support Gold used for?

Just as people can experience allergic reactions of all kinds, cats are also susceptible to irritants and allergens they encounter in their environment or in their diet. Some cat breeds have a greater incidence of allergies that can affect their skin, which may decrease with age.

For felines, the primary way an allergy manifests is through the skin. Flare-ups are often chronic and/or recurring, and despite many efforts, become a condition that must be managed. Finding out the cause of the allergy can be a long but necessary process.

The allergen (the substance that induces the allergy) is introduced into the body in one of four ways:

  • It may be something your cat has come into physical contact with
  • It may be in your cat's diet
  • It may be something that has been inhaled (airborne)
  • It may be from a flea bite (usually from flea saliva)

If the body is sensitized to that particular allergen, it will react as if it is under attack and an allergic reaction will ensue.

Naturally, the most beneficial approach is to remove the allergen or limit exposure if the allergen is known; however, there may be cases in which this is difficult (such as with a grass allergy).

Allergies that affect the skin may appear as:

  • Increased and sometimes incessant itching and scratching and/or licking
  • Redness
  • Moist skin, dry/flakey skin or scabbing
  • Itchy ears (and possible ear infections)
  • Swollen and itchy paws

The itching may be all over the body or localized in one area. Your cat's behavior may also change, since a constant state of itchy discomfort can quickly lead to irritability, disrupted sleep, exhaustion and snapping. If repeated scratching causes the skin to break, this can create an opportunity for an infection.

Rather than mask or temporarily suppress the symptoms, Itch Support Gold helps to support a healthy immune response to allergens. The herbal combination also works synergistically to decrease itchiness, whether it is pervasive or only in certain areas. In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) the name for this type of treatment is termed an External Wind formula. The element of "wind" can refer to symptoms that appear suddenly, change quickly and affect the surface (like the skin).

Most cats will not react to the compounds they encounter in the home or outdoors, so what can cause skin allergies or sensitivities? For cats that have a sensitive immune system, the most common allergens are environmental allergens (contact allergy or atopy), food allergens, flea allergy or a secondary reaction from another health issue.

Examples of Common Allergens:

  • Pollens and grasses
  • Dust, dust mites and molds
  • Fragrances and other chemicals including those found in most laundry detergents, pet shampoos and household cleaners
  • Cigarette smoke
  • Prescription medication (including flea medication or medicated flea products)
  • Insect bites (including fleas)
  • Dander and feathers (may be in pillows, duvets or bedspreads)
  • Foods such as dairy products, beef products, soy, wheat, corn, chicken and chicken by-products
  • Foods or treats containing food coloring

Itch Support Gold provides support and maintenance for allergies that affect your cat's skin and the itchy, red, dry or moist unpleasant symptoms that result from allergic responses.

Allergic responses may also cause respiratory-related symptoms such as:

  • Sneezing
  • Runny, itchy nose
  • Breathing difficulties due to an airborne allergy

For respiratory-type symptoms related to allergies, you can also try Pet Wellbeing's Nettle-Eyebright Gold. This is an herbal formula that supports the respiratory system and is found here: 

Always seek the consultation of your veterinarian as needed.

A Note from our Veterinarian...

This remedy works regardless of the allergy. Itch Support Gold does not contain pharmaceutical ingredients and results will depend on the severity of the condition and length of time since it began. Expect symptoms to gradually lessen over days or weeks. Results vary for each feline patient.

Once desired results are achieved, the formula may be discontinued and reintroduced when necessary. The formula does not need to be used constantly and is meant to be used when symptoms appear.

This formula was developed to be potent and effective in the shorter term, yet also work to support the underlying issues that cause the allergic response to flare up. This is nature's anti-itch formula.

Prevention and Avoidance:

Once you have identified the cause of your cat's skin reaction, try to eliminate exposure as much as possible. Sometimes this is possible and sometimes it's not. Remember that allergies are sometimes caused by multiple factors and your cat may be able to tolerate a certain amount of exposure before the factors compound and a reaction occurs.

As an example, a cat may be sensitive to laundry detergent, to dust mites and to flea bites. There may be a little itching on the average day but a big reaction to a flea bite. It is a big reaction because the immune system is already trying to deal with the first two allergens. When a third allergen is introduced, the scales tip. In this case, the immune system can respond to two allergens but not three. This is what is meant by compounding factors.

Try to eliminate all the allergens as much as possible and you will hopefully see less reaction, or no reaction, when there is occasional exposure to any of the offending irritants. Have a look at the list of common allergens that may be right in your household or in your cat's living environment.


Similar to humans, cats may build up sensitivities to foods that are eaten daily, without a break. Just like humans, cats are healthiest with a varied diet. Be sure to switch your cat's foods at least from time-to-time. The most common foods that cause sensitivity or allergies in cats are:  beef products, dairy products, chicken and chicken by-products, soy, corn, wheat and artificial food coloring.

If food allergies are known or suspected, you may wish to try some homemade food recipes with simple ingredients. Your veterinarian may suggest an elimination diet, starting only with very simple foods and slowly introducing other ingredients. With the simplified diet, the symptoms should disappear. Then, when the allergen food is given, the symptom will flare up suddenly, and you will know to avoid that particular food in the future.

A species-appropriate raw food diet may also be an excellent alternative if your cat has food sensitivities (or doesn't). Look for a trusted source of raw cat food in your area and follow the appropriate health and safety precautions to serve it. Make sure the protein source is not one that your cat is sensitive to and look for meat raised without hormones or antibiotics. Feeding raw food is very easy and may be a more cost-effective option than "designer" allergy diets sold commercially. With food allergies, "simple" is better. Itch Support Gold may only be of minimal help if your feline continues to eat a diet that elicits an allergic response.


Make sure your cat receives a diet high in nutrients. Consider supplementation of vitamins, minerals and especially Omega-3 essential fatty acids. Omega-3's have been shown to provide the body with support for inflammation, better ability to regenerate healthy new skin cells, and are extremely beneficial for allergic skin problems. A supplement like SPARK contains nutrients and superfoods from whole food sources, along with probiotics and enzymes for overall good health.

You can work with your veterinarian to uncover the causes of your cat's allergic responses and work out a treatment plan that you feel is the most beneficial. Please keep informed of any and all side effects (especially long-term effects) that may result from prescription medications like steroids and antibiotics.

Minimize insect bites:

You can do so by applying a natural, non-synthetic repellent. Use these often in seasons when biting insects are active in your area. Remember that sensitivities to fleas or flea saliva may cause reactions long after the fleabite has occurred. Allergies to fleabites are a common cause of allergic reactions on the skin.

Allergy or just dry skin?

A lower indoor or outdoor humidity can cause dryness in the air and skin can become dry and itchy. Monitor whether your cat starts to itch when you turn on the heat or air-conditioning in your home, or when the air becomes drier with a change of seasons. You can test the humidity in your house with a hygrometer from a hardware or home improvement store. An optimal humidity range is considered to be 35-50%. If the air in your home becomes too dry, a humidifier can provide the necessary humidity your cat (and you) may need to stay comfortable and healthy.

Allergic-type symptoms may be clues that your cat has another type of disorder, so please have your cat examined and diagnosed by a veterinarian.

Can my cat take Itch Support Gold with prescription drugs?

Itch Support Gold may have a hypoglycemic effect. It is suggested to monitor closely if using with blood-sugar-lowering drugs. Use caution with steroids.

Does it come with a guarantee?

Yes! Itch Support Gold comes with a 90 day money-back guarantee.

Why choose Itch Support Gold for your canine friend?

  • Selectively chosen imported herbs:  This formula is entirely prepared with herbs from trusted sources. The herbs used in this formula are not commercially available from U.S. growers, and so are selected from trusted overseas growers that have been pre-screened. 
  • Full Spectrum Extract:  The full biochemical spectrum of the herbs is preserved to ensure the potency of the extract. All raw materials are tested for identification and purity.
  • Every batch tested:  Every batch of our Itch Support Gold is tested to ensure the highest quality and purity. Every single batch.
  • GMP Facility:  Nationally recognized quality control procedures are meticulously monitored. Consumers are protected because we ensure that the highest standards of manufacturing are strictly adhered to.
  • It's guaranteed:  In addition to the superior quality of our products, you are also protected by our 90 day money-back guarantee.
  • Manufactured in the United States.

Who makes Itch Support Gold?

Itch Support Gold is made by Pet Wellbeing, founded in 2001. Our goal? To bring the wisdom and experience of our caring holistic veterinarians to your pet. When your pet is healthy; you are happy.

To fulfill our vision, our on-staff, holistic veterinarians have developed formulas using time-honored, traditional uses of herbs and integrated the latest scientific research. It is our aim to produce the best products for your pet that we can.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product and information is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, mitigate or prevent any disease or condition.