Herbal Parasite Syrup (Dr. Christopher) 4oz.

$32.95 32.95


Natural Intestinal Parasite & Worm Eliminator

Formerly known as VF or Vermafuge

Description: This is a blend of Black Walnut Leaf, Fennel Seed, Senna Leaf, Tansey Herb, Tame Sage Leaf, Wormwood Herb, Malefern and Wild Sage Leaf. These herbs act synergistically to aid in the elimination of worms and parasites. It is most effective when incorporated with fasting and a cleansing diet. This syrup is in a base of 100% pure vegetable glycerine.

Ingredients: Black Walnut Leaf, Fennel Seed, Senna Leaf, Tansey Herb, Tame Sage Leaf, Wormwood Herb, Malefern & Wild Sage Leaf.

Ailments traditionally used for: Worms

Directions: As a dietary supplement take 1 teaspoon each morning & night for 3 days. On the 4th day take 2 Quick Colon Cleanse capsules. Rest 2 days & repeat this program 2 more times or as directed by your health care professional.

Refrigerate after opening.